Services Offered
Case management for survivors of human trafficking.Learn More
How We Help Victims of Human TraffickingThe Susannah Wesley Community Center provides victim-centered, trauma-informed comprehensive case management to survivors of all forms of human trafficking statewide for minors and on the island of Oahu for adults. Certain services are covered statewide for adults through different funding sources.
24/7 Crisis Response
Calls, face-to-face, law enforcement response & more
Court Advocacy
Housing Assistance
Basic Needs
Provision of food, clothing, personal hygiene
Service Referrals
For legal services, medical, dental, mental health, mentorship
For parents, families & individuals
Trauma Assessments
For individuals, groups & families
Job Readiness
Educational assistance
Contracted Partners
We collaborate with many government and non-governmental agencies to support victims in their healing, well-being, and path to independence.Services Funded By
State of Hawai'i
Department of Human Services, Social Services Division, Child Welfare Services.
Office of Victims of Crime
Administered through State of Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Office of Community Services.
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)
Victim Assistance Grant Program, administered through the State of Hawaii, Department of the Attorney General, Crime Prevention and Justice Assistance Division, Grants and Planning Division.